Hands-Free Investing

Wealth Simple

Wealth Simple is a hassle-free, no-stress investing platform that automatically does all the hard-work of portfolio management . It's hands-free investing so you can go about enjoying what you love to do.



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AR Murals & Interactive Banners

Through AR mural and interactive banners we'll show how hassle-free investing is when wealth Simple does all the work for you. Players can interact with the mural to bring out fun games that they can leisurely play for points. A the end of the game Wealth Simple will take those points and project potential gains at the end of 5 years, 10 years and various portfolio groups.

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Wealth Simple in Fortnite

Wealth simple wants gamers to keep doing what they do best, gaming. With collaboration with Fortnite we'll create special loot drops with unique in-game items like ammo that make you game to the fullest and hassle free. We'll then release a special character "Fetti"—slang for confetti-like image of money pouring from the sky when someone “makes it rain”— and make it rain with a special bazooka.

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Raven Faux / Copywriter

Tracy Okafor / Art Director